Emne: BMW 02/Classic :: coilover kit fra ireland engineering

Skrevet av tepe den 26-11-2010 19:20

hei jeg vurderer et coliverkit fra ireland engineering og har sendt en forespørsel dit Jeg vil ikke at fjæra skal være løs når hjulet er fri fra bakken, men det blir det med dette settet. man har og mulighet for å korte inn fjærbeinet da må man vel nødvendigvis bruke en kortere støtdemper? den vil jo nødvendigvis ha et kortere arbeidsområde? eller er jeg helt på jordet? men i flg ireland vil fjæra fremdeles bli løs er det noen som kjenner til dette settet?

mvh Terje P

kopi av mail fra ireland engineering
Hello Terje,

Shortening the struts will not change the need for either tenders or
limiting straps - the springs will still be loose when the car is lifted
off the ground.

All of the same procedures apply as per a standard length strut. The
benefit of a shortened strut is that at a lower ride height, you still
preserve the stock suspension travel.



Terje Pettersen wrote:
> thank you for the answers
> if i shorten the struts will i get rid of the problem vith loose springs?
> regards Terje
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeremy Chandler"
> <>
> To: "Terje Pettersen"
> Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 12:27 AM
> Subject: Re: 10 - 20% Off Sale - this weekend only.
>> Hello Terje,
>> The price listed is for a kit to do both sides. For a 1-2 inch ride
>> height drop, we would suggest using a spring with a 7" free length. The
>> spring rate needed will depend on what you currently have in the rear of
>> the car, as we will want to match it appropriately to preserve your cars
>> front to rear balance.
>> In order to keep the springs captive in the perches, it is necessary to
>> either use a limiting strap (more on this below), or a tender-spring
>> arrangement where there is a secondary spring and perch fitted in
>> addition to the main spring. The problem with tender springs on 2002s is
>> that they take up strut stroke length and reduce the total available
>> suspension travel - for this reason we generally prefer not to use them.
>> We can include a tender spring arrangement for you if you like however.
>> The price for a pair of tenders and perches is $225.00. If you would
>> like to add these to an online order, please make a note in the
>> "customer comment" field to add a tender spring kit as per your
>> discussion with Jeremy, and we will add them to your order when we
>> process it.
>> The other way to keep the springs in tension, without using tenders, is
>> to use a steel cable or nylon strap between the upper spring perch and
>> the strut housing. Normally called a "limiting strap", it keeps the
>> suspension from drooping to the point that the spring can come loose
>> from the spring perches. This method preserves your full suspension
>> travel, and would be our recommendation. Having enough suspension travel
>> is extremely important, particularly when using coil-over hardware on a
>> stock-length strut